
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Scrabble - Classic Version

do yall remember my first take on the Scrabble Board?
a fren of mine Ben, who wanted a Pink version for Scrabble.
apparently he told a close fren of his, about my
Customized Cake Designs and referred James to me :)
and tadaa... another version is made. Classic Scrabble Cake! haha :P

i guess the idea of havin a birthday wish expressed using these cute
litlle tiles is somethin unique and different from the norm :)
perhaps they could play the real Scrabble Board Game and have
a bite out of this one together. this time round ive included the
tile holder which holds the extra tiles while you crack ure brains
thinkin of the next word for the game :)

Presentin 'haus of JOCKolate's© Classic Scrabble

1 comment:

  1. i love playing board games..scrabble is one of my favorite game..i was taught by my mom since i was 8 years old. when i grow up i still play scrabble..i usually bring my travel scrabble with me when i go to different places
