

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Alice in Wonderland!

This has got to be the most colourful, mind bogglin kaleidoscopic
Cake Design Ive ever done! It was so much fun hand craftin these
'smurf' lookin cones and twistin em in many wavy shapes. They
kinda look like Candy Canes too huh :)

Veron had asked for a nice Heart Shaped Blackforest Cake for her
21st Birthday. She also specifically requested that the cake be
really fun and colourful! With that in mind, Ive created somethin
thats Wacky & Wild! I got my inspiration from
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and
Alice in Wonderland! Both my all time favourite movies!

This one kinda looks like a movie screen shot from Dr Sues Laboratory!

Presentin 'haus of JOCKolate's© Wacky Cake!
The Adventures of Alice & Charlie in Willy Wonka Wonderland!


  1. Would be nice if you stated the prices as well

  2. Hi

    May i enquire how much is this cake and when do i need to give you in advance notice ?

    Please buzz me @ bluez_line@yahoo.com

  3. hey everyone, thanks for viewin!
    all pricing enquiries are made thru our email at:
    hausofJOCKolate@hotmail.com yeah :) cheers!
