

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Games - Super Mario

wohoo... this is my very first cake for the year 2011!
and what a great way it is to start of the new year with a
2 tier Games Inspired Customized Cake Design :D

to tell yall the truth, i dun think ive really played Super Mario before.
back then, i do remember it was called Sega Saturn. haha...
come to think of it, i really had a good laugh coz everytime me and
my cousin wanted to get a game goin, we had to blow hard into the
cassette before inserting it into the console! bwahaha...

geesh... those were the days :) decades have passed and now, kids
have things like Play Station 3, Xbox 360 and PSP!
after doin some research on the net, i recreated 2 scenes from the
game onto the sides of the cake. this ones a 2 tier Double Chocolate
Cake with triple layers of Hazelnut Chocolate Filling!

plus and assortment of Super Mario Power-ups Cookies!
gosh... those kids at the party sure is gonna be hyper from all
that sugah rush in their system! hahaha :) theres actually quite a
few of these cute power-ups to choose from... i chose these 6 and
made 60 cookies in total, each individually packed. all the kids
will bring home with them a few cookies each then :D

heres wishin Kye a Happy 2nd Birthday!
enjoy the Super Mario Cake yeah :)

Presentin 'haus of JOCKolate's © Super Mario Inspired Cake

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for creating the cake. Kye and his friends love it very much, especially the 3D mushrooms. The cookies too. Thank you.

    Wee Giap
