

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Candyfornia - Katy Perry

hey yall! im really excited to share with yall this most recent request
i got for a theme celebration cake. its a take on the infamous female
artist Katy Perry's - California Girls MTV clip!

id say that this was the most colorful and fun Customized Cake Design
ive done! i had such a blast huntin for all these delectable candies
as toppings for each cupcake. Gummy Bears, Jellybean, Gummy Worms
and tones more! i bought em mostly from Resorts World Sentosa,
at an awesome place called - Candylicious

woah... if these Cupcakes dun getcha into a Sugah overdose, im
not sure wat will! hahaha :) the colors for the Butter Cream Frosting
was a request from the Birthday GIrl - Magenta, Yellow & Cyan.
have a Candy-licious... Sugah-riffic 21st Suen!

Presentin 'haus of JOCKolate's Candyfornia

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