

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Luxury Brands in da 'haus'

Luxury Brands Overdose!
I know uve all seen my Louis Vuitton - Ursula Handbag Cake
recently. And now, i present to yall the ultimate of Luxury.
4 new brands into my Cake Portfolio Collection!
Salvatore Ferragamo - Burberry - Louis Vuitton - Gucci

I started out buildin this 4 tier cake with a white box as its base.
Initially, my design concept was for Coco Chanel and Louis Vuitton
for the 2nd and 3rd tiers. But after ive completed the Louis Vuitton
suitcase, i got addicted to creatin more brands! So i decided to
include other favourite brands too. I guess its true what they say...
Once uve got ure first 'it' bag, theres no stopping
for more!

I especially liked the Burberry tier. Creating the Burberry
checkered scarf draped onto the cake was really fun. This is
actually a second scarf because the first one didnt turn
out how i wanted it to be. i always strive for perfection!
I also had a hard time with the Burberry letterings...
But all in all, i couldnt be more proud of my creations knowing
that my hard work and sleepless nights were worthwhile!

Presenting 'haus of JOCKolate's 4 tier Luxury Brands Cake!


  1. hey therebcan i know hw much and how to place an order?

  2. hey there! do drop us an email at hausofjockolate@hotmail.com for orders and enquiries yeah!

  3. hi der, u mind email e price n detais at
    hope to hear soon.. thks.. ;)
